Self Care Mar 25, 2020

Self Care During COVID 19

Perpetuity Skin + Spa has paused its day spa operations, but our team has been in touch daily with one another (remotely, of course!) on how to continue to take the best care of ourselves during this time. Staying connected to one another helps us feel good, too, but this conversation also gets us focusing on our bodies, our minds, and our spirit during this unprecedented and stressful time. We rounded up a few of our favorite tips for managing to reduce anxiety and increase good feels, in Perpetuity (:

  1. Give Yourself a Break: baking cookies, watching a movie or just snuggling with a pet give your mind the respite it needs to manage the stress occurring around you. Allow yourself space to understand the new normal.
  2. Move It: even if you don’t feel like it, the mental benefits of physical exercise are significant. With gyms closed, there are still many apps and online venues to get inspiration for stretching techniques, strength building floor exercises or aerobic challenges like running around the block (in a safe distance!). Many of us are using our household chores to get a sweat on! And afterward, we get to bask in the glow of our freshly scrubbed floors!
  3. Disconnect: it’s important to stay informed, but the constant barrage of news can be overwhelming. Limit news and social media exposure to set windows of time (my personal goal is once in the morning and once before dinner) and turn off notifications. Whatever times you engage in allow plenty of time to disconnect before you go to sleep. Sleep is a critical ally in warding off stress related ailments.
  4. Attitude of Gratitude: take a moment to reflect on what is good. What feels good, does good, in your life, right now. These reflections bring hope, remind us what’s to look forward to.

These are uniquely challenging times, and taking care of you is vital. The team at Perpetuity Skin + Spa look forward to having you in for a feel good treatment or two (: Take good care now, more than ever.


We are Perpetuity Skin + Spa on Vista Avenue, and we are the Boise Bench's self-proclaimed best day spa! We offer many luxury day spa experiences, from organic facials, CBD massage, reiki, floatation therapy, hard gel manicures, facial waxing, dermaplaning, sugar scrub pedicures, Thai stretching, lash extensions, sugaring, body wraps and more! Our service menu outlines the therapeutic body therapies and advanced skincare solutions you've heard about, but haven't had the chance to try. The prices you pay here are fixed, no tipping, our deal is fair and square (curious why? Read here.) Come see why your experiences in self care should have always been in Perpetuity. BOOK NOW to secure your spot, or give us a call to organize something just for you! 208-996-3090